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Tips How You Can Save Energy At Home & Reduce Your Electricity Bill

The idea of home energy efficiency and reducing our environmental footprint is becoming a topic of interest in more and more homes across the US and together we can make a difference. California is one of the most progressive states promoting sustainability. Thus, to inform the public about things they can do at home the California Public Utilities Commission created Energy Upgrade California. Energy Upgrade California® is a statewide initiative. Their goal is to help Californians to take action to save energy, conserve and preserve natural resources. So if you are a Californian (or not) join the movement, save energy, and save money at the same time.

Join the movement to use energy efficiently! Did you know that 23% of electricity used to power home electronics is consumed while the products are turned off. It costs the average US household $100 per year to power devices while they are off or in standby mode. #DoYourThing Unplug the Devices. Share and see how other people saving electricity using #letsgetcharged hashtag. @energyupgrade_ca #partnership #saveelectricity #earthday #saveelectricity #lovetheplanate #california #lovecalifornia #gogreen #doyourpart #thinkgreen #ad А вы знали что 23% электроэнергии, используемой для электропитания бытовой электроники, потребляется когда электорприборы находятся в режиме ожодания или в выключенном состоянии. Экономьте энергию и деньги. Выключайте приборы из розеток. #экономьтеэлектроэнергию #электроэнергия #любипланету #берегите

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The Instagram challenge #letsgetcharged has been created by Energy Upgrade California to spread energy-saving tips. Join us, post on Instagram how you save energy using bright colored balloons.
Here are some ideas for you to try at home to help the environment and decrease your electricity bills:

1. Unplug devices! Did you know that 23% of the electricity used to power home electronics is consumed while the products are turned off. It costs the average U.S. household $100 per year to power devices while they are off or in standby mode.

2. Use LED lights (they use 75% less energy than regular bulbs and last 25 times longer than regular bulbs) Money Bonus: you will save about $70 annually

3. Keep your freezer full, an empty freezer uses more energy to stay cool.

4. Use cold water while your are doing the laundry. Cold water takes less energy.

5. Do not forget to turn of the water while you are brushing your teeth. Running the sink while not being used wastes water and uses energy to warm it and transport it to your home.

6. Be a vegetarian on at least a day or two each week. Meat takes more energy to cook and raising livestock is much more energy consuming than growing plants.

7. Program your thermostat to match your household schedule. If no one is home during the day, you can let the house be warmer during summer days and cooler during winter ones.

Please, share your tips on saving energy, we would be glad to add them to our list.

Posted on May 17, 2017 then Updated September 19, 2017By Sweetie

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